Create Realistic Noise, Clouds and Wave Effects – Active Premium

Today, we have another Active Premium tutorial exclusively available to Premium members. If you fancy delving deep into Bitmaps and Displacement Maps, then you’ll love this tutorial; Adam Jackett’s first for Activetuts+.

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Below is a demonstration of the various effects this Premium Tutorial will teach you to execute (TV static, clouds, heat haze and waving flag):

This Premium Tutorial is Filled with Creative Tips

Learn how to use bitmap noise to create and animate effects like TV static, clouds, a waving flag, and heat haze. Using the BitmapData class we’ll be looking at the noise and perlinNoise functions to generate the effects, then with the DisplacementMapFilter class we’ll create the wave effects.

One thing we’re going to do is keep things reusable. I prefer writing classes with the intent that I’ll be using them again in the future, whether I know I will or not. There have been countless times where I’ve needed something that I’d already written and simply needed to import the class and tweak some settings. In this tutorial we’ll end up writing some classes that get used in other classes. We’re not extending these classes, just using instances of them, you’ll see what I mean when you check out the tut..

Professional and Detailed Instructions Inside

Premium members can Log in and Download! Otherwise, Join Now! Below are some sample images from this tutorial.

Active Premium Membership

We run a Premium membership system which costs $9 a month (or $22 for 3 months!) which periodically gives members access to extra tutorials, like this one! You’ll also get access to Psd Premium, Vector Premium, Audio Premium, Net Premium, Ae Premium and Cg Premium too. If you’re a Premium member, you can log in and download the tutorial. If you’re not a member, you can of course join today!

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