Creating a Fun Editorial Illustration – Vector Premium Tutorial

Today, we have another Vector Premium tutorial, which is available exclusively for Premium members. If you’ve thought of becoming an editorial illustrator, then this tutorial is a must read. It reviews the complete editorial illustration with loads of tips inside as well. The process from sketch, through research, communication with the art direction, and vector build process is covered. If you’re a Premium member, then you’re in for a treat.

This Premium Tutorial is Filled with Professional, Creative Instructions

This tutorial is jointly created by Jesse Hora and Darrin Higgins.

There are many ways to approach editorial illustration, because editorial Illustration always presents a unique challenge. You’re not just creating an interesting image that stands alone, you are visually trying to represent (or encompass) the article that it will be paired with. For me there are two main areas of focus when working on an editorial illustration: concept and style.

Plus members can Log in and Download! If you’re not a member, you can of course join today! You can view some key images from this tutorial below.


Vector Premium Membership

As you know, we run a Premium membership system that costs $9 a month (or $22 for 3 months!), which gives members access to the Source files for tutorials as well as periodic extra tutorials like this one! If you’re a Premium member you can log in and download the tutorial. If you’re not a member, you can of course join today!

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