Posterous Spaces: Your New Online Private Space

Competition in the online app universe is totally different the real world. Many of the popular Internet destinations and services are virtual monopolies without any real competitor in sight. A few examples to this case are Google, Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox, Evernote, and more.

Similarly in the microblogging vertical there were two competitors initially – Tumblr and Posterous. Over the past few years, Tumblr adoption swelled and, despite being a simpler and cooler service in some ways, Posterous adoption dwindled drastically. Personally, I attribute this to the all the interesting content created by the new age of tumblogs.

Naturally, Posterous went back to the drawing board and chalked out their new strategy. They have pivoted and are now promoting their newest innovation, Posterous Spaces.


Simply put, Posterous Spaces is a gorgeous looking online groups app. It’s where you share photos, video, thoughts and more. I can hear you asking “Can’t you do this with Facebook or Twitter already?”. Yes, you can. However, social networks and their privacy controls are an absolute nightmare. Twitter is too open and Facebook is too complicated.



What Posterous is trying to do is allow you to define a private space and who can gain access to get into it. This way, you can create a space for your buddies to share those naughty pics and one for your family to share the images that are, well, not so naughty! It’s perfect for staying in-touch with friends, family and groups.

How Easy Is It?

Public and Private Spaces

Public and Private Spaces

It indeed is extremely easy to create a space. Both the public and private space creation require the same details except that, in case of a private space, you can invite people to join yours. You can add them either as followers or contributors. Followers receive regular updates of your latest posts via email. Contributors can post to your Space. If you are still not convinced, you can password protect your space for an added layer of security.

Creating a Space

Creating a Space

Posterous Spaces makes sharing anything a breeze and it works the same way as before. Just email them your favorite content and they’ll embed it into your Space in a web-friendly format. Publishing content cannot get any more easier!

Autopost Options

Autopost Options

Your content shared in the spaces isn’t locked to the service. The app lets you share your content with other social networks and services. Simply choose what and where to broadcast, and the app will make it happen. And for those who want control over what gets out, the one click share feature is there to push your content instantly to the services you want. Posts from private spaces aren’t auto posted.

Final Thoughts

Like always, Posterous has done a great job of implementing a cool idea. Right from the intro videos to the user interface and usability, the developers have done masterful work. But let us admit, there are so many ways to create a group(s) online and we probably might have groups with a lot of ongoing conversations already.

If it were any other app or company, I would have written them off, but Posterous has a powerful brand name and the cool kids already know about them. Besides, they have simultaneously launched the iPhone and Android apps with the same functionality of the web app. Since all the future social networking is gonna happen from mobile phones, Posterous has real chance of gaining huge traction. Let us wait and watch!

Share Your Thoughts!

Why do you think Posterous lost out to Tumblr in the first place? Think you will start using Posterous Spaces any time soon?

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