Quick User Feedback with UserMood

It’s common knowledge that if you’ve invested a lot of time and effort into developing a useful web app, your users will be your number one priority. It’s your duty to ensure that they have the best experience using your app to ensure satisfaction for paying customers and hopefully sway free users into making the move to a premium account. To better provide the level of quality you require, you’re going to need to talk to them or at least get basic feedback on what they think.

UserMood is an app dedicated to doing just that. Read on to find out more about UserMood and the ways in which it could help you.


UserMood is a web app that allows any website developer or owner to gather the feedback of their users by displaying a form that asks a multiple choice question regarding their views on your site or service. It doesn’t take long to get an account created, a survey added and then the form up and running on your website – meaning that you can start getting feedback almost instantly.




UserMood offers a fixed pricing model where for $12 per month, you’ll be able to create unlimited surveys and get unlimited responses back. They do offer a free 14-day trial so you can create widgets straight away for free and should you like the look of the app, you can upgrade at any time to a full account.

Getting Started

Registration for UserMood is quick and simple and within a few seconds, your account will be up and running. Simply enter some basic contact details for your account to be created and you will then immediately be taken to the UserMood interface from which you can perform all tasks.



Adding Widgets

The first thing you’ll want to do after creating your account is create a widget. Widgets are the small poll-type floating sections that will display on your website and will be where users can answer the question you pose for them. No users want major disruption when viewing your website so asking a simple question that can be answered in a multiple choice style as opposed to a full survey can prove to have significantly greater response rates.

Adding the Widget

Adding the Widget

When adding a widget, you’ll be first asked for a brief description of the survey for self-reference as well as the domain that the widget will be installed on. The rest is straightforward and you’ll be able to provide 2-4 answers to that question.

A feature that I found quite interesting and useful is the followup questions. It allows you to configure the form so that should a user respond with a particular answer, they will then be asked an additional question and are able to provide an answer in written form to that. This could be used effectively when asking the user to rate a certain aspect of your website and should they choose a negative answer, you could then pose another question asking for a reason why they think this.

Previewing the Widget

Previewing the Widget

UserMood also offers a couple of options to enable the widget to only be displayed when a certain criteria is met, such as the user having visited your site for more than a specified period of time. It also allows a time delay to be set for showing the widget and then once it has been responded to, how long the app should wait before showing it again. This can be used to ensure that you receive regular feedback from the user, something that can come in particularly useful should you roll out significant changes to your website and would like to gather their feedback again.

Widget Options

Widget Options

Getting Feedback

Getting the UserMood widget onto websites couldn’t be easier and is simply a case of copying and pasting a JavaScript snippet into the footer of the required pages and then the app takes care of the rest.

Installing on a Website

Installing on a Website

Analysing the feedback once people have started filling out the mini surveys is quite straightforward and it offers the ability to easily view the results of all widgets at once in a poll-like fashion which is great for ensuring you can identify exactly what your users think with a single glance.

Example Feedback

Example Feedback

While the app generally follows the guide of being as simple as possible, I found the actual analytical side to the app to be a bit too simple. Though it does allow results to be filtered based on the answer the user gave, the information is not as useful as it could be – the main data given being the user’s IP address and the URL on which they’d completed the survey. A couple of graphs showing the ratio of users that viewed the survey to those that partook and maybe a profile for each user that can be viewed to see how their response to the survey have changed over time certainly wouldn’t go amiss. Nonetheless, if you’re looking to just get the number of users that share a particular view, it does its job well.

Example Responses

Example Responses


As user feedback apps go, UserMood does exactly what it says on the tin. It’s easy to set up which means being inexperienced with web development doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t know what your users are thinking. In addition to this, it offers quite straightforward options to configure each widget so its users are fully in control of when their widgets are shown. However, I did feel that the app lacked a bit slightly on the feature front. If you just want to get answers to a poll posed by you and then be able to view these, the app’s perfect but if you’re looking for something that does a little more, UserMood may not be right for you. Despite this, UserMood provides a nice experience and ensures that should the need arise, you can get just the feedback you’d like from your users.

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