How to Go About Planning Your Home Studio – Audio Premium

In this week’s double-length Audio Premium content, Mike Elliott gets you started planning where you want to go with your home studio. Don’t forget, if you’re not a premium member you can grab it (and all premium tuts) for only $1 from the Tuts+ Marketplace until the end of June.

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I think it is safe to say most everyone wishes they had their own studio. But alas the amount of money required to invest in a commercial recording studio is out of reach for many. However, most of us would be satisfied and if not elated to have our own personal home studio and that my friends is perfectly in reach. But without careful forethought and planning, it can easily become a disaster. Come with me as we analyze the different kinds of home studios, what their needs are, and how to effectively plan out these studios out so that you can easily upgrade them as your acquire more pieces to the puzzle. Ready? I thought so!

Table of Contents

  • Pick a Studio any Studio
  • Pick a Studio any Studio: Music Studio
  • Pick a Studio any Studio: Recording Studio
  • Pick a Studio any Studio: Post Production Studio
  • Pick a Studio any Studio: Review
  • Gear Priorities
  • Gear Priorities: Music Studio
  • Gear Priorities: Recording Studio
  • Gear Priorities: Post Studio
  • Gear Priorities: Review
  • Upgrade Paths
  • Upgrade Paths: Upgrade Me Captain
  • Upgrade Paths: Invaluable
  • Upgrade Paths: The Replacements
  • Upgrade Paths: Review
  • Final Considerations
  • Conclusion

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