Getting Into Game Audio Part 4: Know The Business – Audio Premium

Want to get into game audio? This is a must-read. West Latta continues his series on getting into the Game Audio business. Today he talks about the game industry as a business, and introduces you to the pillars of the game industry—development studios, publishers, outsourcing—explaining how this can aid in your quest for a fruitful career.

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When I first decided that I wanted a career in the game industry, my industry knowledge didn’t extend far beyond the Playstation 2 console in my living room. I knew the names of a few game developers and publishers, I knew the names of the franchises I enjoyed, and knew a few famous game designers and composers whose work I admired. I also knew that a career in the industry would require a much deeper knowledge of the inner-workings of game development and publishing, and so I set out to learn as much as I could, even the stuff that didn’t really seem ‘relevant’ to my immediate goals.

Table of Contents

  • Know the Development Flow
  • SIDEBAR: Know the Other Disciplines
  • Knowing the Who and Where
  • To Be Continued

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