How to Make a Magic Book Using Adobe Illustrator

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Want to add a touch of wonder to you’re vector images? This tutorial is a guide where you will find ideas to create a magic book. In the first half you will learn how to make an open book, in the remaining steps you’ll make the background and add the magic effects. You can apply these effects to other projects.

Step 1

To begin create a 500 by 500 pixel document.

  1. Draw a 400 by 200 pixel rectangle with a Corner Radius of 3 pixels using the Rounded Rectangle Tool (M).
  2. Open the Transform Panel (Shift + F8) and change the X Value to 50px.

Step 2

If the rectangle doesn’t show the corners with the anchor points, select the rectangle and go to Main Menu: Object > Expand Appearance. Now you can edit the corners.

  1. Create a 400 by 30 pixel rectangle using the Rectangle Tool (T).
  2. Select both rectangles, open the Align Panel (Shift + F7) and align them at the center horizontally and at the bottom vertically.

Step 3

  1. Select both rectangles and in the Pathfinder palette (Shift + Command + F9) click on the Unite button.
  2. Be sure that the Pathfinder Option (in the top right corner of the panel) has Remove Redundant Points activated.

Step 4

Select the right anchor point of the two points in the left top corner with the Direct Selection Tool (A). In the Transform Panel assign to X the value 103 px. In the same corner select the other anchor point and in the Transform Panel assign to X the value 100 px.

Now select the left anchor point in the right top corner with the Direct Selection Tool (A), and in the Transform Panel assign to X the value 397 px. In the same corner select the other anchor point and in the Transform Panel assign to X the value 400 px. Fill it with: R:92, G:37, B:15.

Step 5

  1. Draw a 400 px by 10 px rectangle with a Corner Radius of 3 pixels using the Rounded Rectangle Tool.
  2. Draw a 50 by 50 pixel circle using the Ellipse Tool (L) and draw a 40 by 40 pixel circle. Fill them with R:92 G:37 B:15, and add a black stroke. Select both circles and use the Align Panel (Shift + F7) to align them vertically and horizontally.
  3. In the Pathfinder palette (Shift + Command + F9) click on the Minus Front button.

Step 6

  1. Draw a 55 by 25 px rectangle using the Rectangle Tool (M).
  2. Select the rectangle and the circle shape. Use the Align Panel (Shift + F7) to align them horizontally at the center and vertically at the top.
  3. In the Pathfinder palette (Shift + Command + F9) click on the Minus Front button.

Step 7

Select the rectangle and the half circle shapes. Use the Align Panel (Shift + F7) to align them horizontally at the center and vertically at the top. In the Pathfinder palette (Shift + Command + F9) click on the Divide button.

Step 8

  1. Deselect all. Use the Group Selection Tool to select the parts in the pattern as shown (1 to 5), except for parts 6 and 7 marked by the arrow.
  2. In the Pathfinder palette click on the Unite button.
  3. Use the Group Selection Tool; select parts 6 and 7. Now in the Pathfinder palette, click on the Unite button again.

Step 9

  1. Draw a 450 by 5 px rectangle using the Rectangle Tool (M) and select both shapes. Use the Align Panel to align them horizontally at the center and vertically at the top.
  2. In the Pathfinder palette click on the Divide button.
  3. Delete the top half.

Step 10

Place the last shape on the bottom of the shape made in step 4. Select both shapes and align them (Shift + F7) horizontally at the center. Be sure to Group them (Command + G).

Step 11

Select the top shape and open the Scale Tool Panel (S) in the Toolbar. Check the Non-Uniform radio button and enter the following values: Horizontal at 97% and Vertical at 94%. Click on the Copy button.

Now use the Direct Selection Tool to (A) select the left bottom anchor point and move it 1 pixel right, then select the right bottom anchor point and move it 1 pixel left. Fill it with R:143, G:90, B:70. Now Group all (Command + G).

Step 12

Delete the stroke of the bottom shape. Draw a 39 by 160 pixel rectangle. Select all shapes and align them (Shift + F7) horizontally at the center and vertically at the top.

Step 13

Duplicate the half circle selected in the image (copy and paste) and place the copy on top of the first shape. Align (Shift + F7) horizontally at the center and vertically at the top, copy the half circle again (Command + C) to save its position.

Use the Group Selection Tool to add shape 1 to the selection. Open the Pathfinder palette (Shift + Command + F9) and click on the Minus Front button. Then go to Object > Arrange and click on Send to Back (Shift + Command + Left Bracket key). Paste again the half circle in the same place using Command + F, but now use the Group Selection Tool to add shape 2 to the selection. Click on the Minus Front button in the Pathfinder palette again.

Select the rectangle and go to Object > Arrange and click on Bring to Front (Shift + Command + ] ). Paste the half circle in the same place with Command + F, but now select it with the rectangle and click on the Minus Front button in the Pathfinder palette once more.

Finally, without deselecting the shape, add the bottom half circle to the selection, and in the Pathfinder Panel click on the Unite button.

Step 14

Select the central shape and fill it with a gradient color. Open the Gradient panel (Command + F9). Click on the default grayscale gradient and assign the color sliders. To open the Color Panel, Double-Click on the gradient slider (whichever you want). Apply the following colors: Slide1 color (R:66 G:28 B:5) and Location 0%. Slide2 color (R:0 G:0 B:0) and Location 100%.

Step 15

  1. Add two anchor point in shape 1 and in the shape 2 as shown.
  2. Use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to select all the center anchor points and move them 7 pixels up.
  3. Now select all the anchor points in the four corners and move them 7 pixel down.

Step 16

Select the bottom shape and use the Mesh Tool (U) to add an anchor point in the left corner, exactly in the middle of the bottom shape as shown. Paint all the bottom anchors points of this shape with R:0, G:0, B:0. And paint the top anchors points with R:135, G:96, B:66.

Step 17

  • Draw a shape similar to the image.
  • Duplicate it and place on top as shown, and reduce it’s size 76% using the Scale Tool (S).
  • Using both shapes as a guide, draw the shape of the book page.

Step 18

  1. Delete the marked shape.
  2. Fill the shape 1 with a Gradient: Slide1 is R:199, G:148, B:63; with Location 0%. Slide2 is R:249, G:233, B:188; with Location 100%. Fill shape 2 with a Gradient: Slide1 is R:199, G:148, B:63; with Location 50%. Slide2 is R:240, G:215, B:130; with Location 100%.

Step 19

  1. With the Add Anchor Point Tool (+) add two anchor points in shape 2 and use the Delete Anchor Point Tool (-) to remove the corner anchor point as shown.
  2. Select shapes 1 and 2 using the Reflex Tool (O) (vertical axis option) to make a duplicate mirror, and put them in the correct place.

Step 20

Set the zoom to 400%.

  1. Draw a shape as shown. Paint it with the color R:128, G:31, B:0.
  2. Use the Ellipse Tool (L) to draw a 2.5 by 1.5 pixels oval and fill it with the color R:199, G:133, B:61 and rotate it 30 degrees. Duplicate the oval four times, put them in the same place as shown, and group them.
  3. Use the Reflect Tool (O) to duplicate the ovals and put them on the other side.
  4. Group and put them all in the correct place on the book.

Step 21

  1. Create a 160 pixel long line using the Line Segment Tool (\) and set 0.5 pt for the Stroke. Duplicate this line seven times with a gap of about 3pt.
  2. Use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to select all the left Anchor Points and move them 7 pixels down.
  3. With the Warp Tool (Shift + R) make it wavy, each line, one by one. The top line should be more curved, also reduce the undulation in the following lines. Select all the lines, go to Object >Path > Outlines Strokes and click on it. The lines are now solid objects that you can fill.

Step 22

  1. Select all lines and apply the gradient:
    • Slide1: R:199, G:148, B:63, with a Location of 0.
    • Slide2: R:150, G:110, B:75, with a Location of 50%.
    • Slide3: R:232, G:195, B:143, with a Location of 100%.
  2. Select the second line and apply the gradient:
    • Slide1: R:199, G:148. B:63, with a Location of 0.
    • Slide2: R:80, G:50, B:30, with a Location of 50%.
    • Slide3: R:232, G:195, B:68, with a Location of 100%.

Step 23

Make a mirror image copy of the lines. Delete the two top lines. Draw three shapes as shown. Fill them with R:100, G:55, B:30.

Step 24

Select the left page of the book, open the Shear Tool. Set the shear angle to 2 degrees and the angle to 90 degrees. Click on the Copy button. Move it 3 pixels up. Apply the Drop Shadow. Go to Effect >Stylize > Drop Shadow. Set the values shown by the image. Repeat this process to create another page above this page.

Step 25

Now we will draw the contents of the pages. For that, we will make simulated text columns and some graphics. For the simulated text I used the Champignon Alt Swash Font because I like its look. I used a rune font too, it’s called Tenwar Sindarin 2 and a Tattoo like font for the graphics.

The first drawing was invented by me using the shape tools. In this step you can create your own content design. In designs 2 and 3 you can use graphics, because these will go in the most visible pages, but you can use only text for design 1 because this is going to be in the backward pages. Make a framework of about 150 by 180 pixels and within this create the content you like.

Step 26

  1. Let’s add formating to the page content. For now we will use the design with columns of text only.
  2. Delete the outline frame and convert the text to outlines. Select them all and apply Type > Create Outlines (Shift + Command + O).
  3. Select the left page and duplicate it, move the copy outside.
  4. Reduce its size to 90%.
  5. Place the simulated text behind the page, select both and align them vertically and horizontally at the center.
  6. Go to Object > Envelope Distort > Make with Top Object (Shift + Command + C). Now your design is adapted to the page. Repeat the process with the other page.

Step 27

Before we add the formatted content to the pages, we will prepare them.

  1. Select the left page and fill it with the following color: R:200, G:150, B:60.
  2. Then use the Mesh Tool (U), to add five anchor points in the places shown by the image. You have to be careful to not generate unnecessary anchor points, while you add the anchor points over the lines.
  3. Select the anchor points as shown and fill it with the following color: R:220, G:185, B:130.
  4. Select the central anchor point and fill it with: R:245, G:230, B:185.

Step 28

  1. First create a copy of the right page which we will use later.
  2. Repeat the process shown in the previous step, in the right page.
  3. Then put the contents in the step 23 on the pages.

Step 29

  1. You will need to lock the content of the left page and the two pages created in step 21. Select one by one with the Group Selection Tool and lock each one with Command + 2.
  2. Now you can select the base page. Copy and Paste it in the same place using Command + C and Command + F. Then cut the copy with Command + X and paste it in the same place with Command + F again. Now the copy is all over the top.
  3. With the copy selected, open the Shear Tool and set the following values: Shear Angle of 12°, Angle of 90° and then move it about 20 pixels up.
  4. (a) Select the bottom center anchor point and move it about 16 pixels up. (b) Select the top center anchor point and move it about 12 pixels up. (c) Select the top left anchor point and move it about 2 pixels right. (d) Select the bottom left anchor point and move it about 2 pixels right and 6 pixels up. If necessary move the direction points of the center anchor points until you get a perfect curve.

Step 30

  1. For the shadow, make a copy of the left page and move it outside of the book.
  2. With the page selected open the Shear Tool and create a copy with the following values: Shear angle -10° and 90° Angle. Fill the copy with the color R:66, G:8, B:0, and move it about 17 pixels down.
  3. Select both pages and open the Align Panel (Shift + F7) to align them at right horizontally (Horizontal Align Right button).
  4. Send the copy to back.
  5. (a) Select both pages again, open the Pathfinder Panel (Shift + Command + F9) and click on the Minus Front button. (b) Go to Effect > (Photoshop Effects) Blur > Gaussian Blur, and set it to 15 pixels. (c) Open the Transparency Panel (Shift + Command + F10) and apply an Opacity of 75%. d) Use the Scale Tool (S) to scale the shadow 94% horizontally.
  6. Place the shadow on the bottom of the page and apply Object > Arrange > Send Backward, to place it behind the page.

Step 31

  1. Do you remember the book page that we reserved in step 28? It’s time to use it!
  2. Put it over the right page of the book.
  3. Open the Shear Tool and set the following values: Shear angle -10 degrees and angle 90 degrees. Move it 15 pixels up.
  4. Add a Drop Shadow and set the following values: Mode of Multiply, Opacity of 75%, X Offset of 3, Y Offset of 15, Blur of 5px, and Color of R:66, G:8, B:0. Now apply Expand Appearance. Select the shadow and scale it 96% horizontally. Go to Object > Arrange > Bring to Front (Shift + Command + Right Bracket key) to place above all the selection shown.

Step 32

  1. With our pages drawn apply them using the process from step 27.
  2. Then repeat what we learned in step 26 to adapt the content to the page’s format.
  3. Finally, put the contents over the pages as shown.

Step 33

Our book is almost finished. In this step we will add two small, but important details.

  1. First draw a 142 pixel height line using the Line Segment Tool (\) and set 1pt for the stroke. Paint it with the color R:135, G:95, B:80. Place this line in the center of the book, where the pages join.
  2. Now draw a shape (as shown) and place it in the correct position. Fill it with a black color.

Step 34

Are you tired already? Do not worry, in this step we will finish the book and then you can rest…but only for awhile.

  1. Select the book’s cover.
  2. Go to Effect > Stylized > Drop Shadow. Set the following values: Mode of Multiply, 100% Opacity, X Offset of 0 px, Y Offset of 1 px, 2 px Blur, and 100% Darkness.

Excellent! Our book is ready to make a spell! In the next steps we will add a magic effect to our book.

Step 35

Create a new layer (Background) and move it behind the book’s layer. Draw a 500 by 500 pixel rectangle using the Rectangle Tool (M). Fill it with R:0, G:0, B:0.

Create another 500 by 250 pixel rectangle and fill it with the following gradient: Slide1 color R:70, G:0, B:0, with a Location of 0%. Slide2 color R:45, G:0, B:0, with a Location of 50%. Slide3 color R:0, G:0, B:0, with a Location of 100%. Angle should be set to 90°. Select both rectangles and align them at the center horizontally and at the bottom vertically.

Step 36

  1. Create a 50 by 250 pixel rectangle. Fill it with a Grayscale of 50%.
  2. Select it and go to Effect > Sketch > Graphic Pen and set the following values: Stroke Length of 15, Light/Dark Balance of 2, Stroke Direction of Horizontal, and click on the OK button.
  3. Go again to Object > Expand Appearance.
  4. Now go to Object > Live Trace > Trace Option and set it as shown. Click on the Trace button.
  5. Open Object > Expand. In the Expand panel, check Fill and Object, then click on the OK button.
  6. Scale Wide 1000% using the Scale Tool (S).

Step 37

Create a new layer over the background layer (Reflex). Select the book and make a horizontal reflex copy using the Reflex Tool (O).

Step 38

  1. Draw over the book a 412 by 220 pixels rectangle. Fill it with a gradient: Slide1 has a Grayscale of 0%, Location of 0%. Slide2 has a Grayscale of 100%, a Location of 100%, Gradient Slider location of 85%, Type of Linear and 90° Angle.
  2. Select both and open the Transparency Panel (Shift + Command + F10) and click on the panel option (in the top right corner of the panel) to choose the option Make Opacity Mask.

Step 39

  1. Draw over the book a 410 by 80 pixel rectangle, select both. Go to Object > Clipping Mask > Make (Command + 7) to make a mask.
  2. Go to the Transparency Panel (Shift + Command + F10) and set the Opacity to 25%. Place it on the bottom of the artboard.

Step 40

  1. Create a new layer (Rays Lights) over the book layer and draw a triangle using the Polygon Tool. Set the Radius to 25 pixels.
  2. Rotate it 180°.
  3. Scale it 830% vertically.
  4. Fill it with the following gradient: Slide1 color R:255, G:255, B:255, with a Location of 25%, and a 100% Opacity. Slide2 color R:255, G:255, B:255, with a Location of 90% and 0% Opacity.

Step 41

Now you must create copies of the shape and give them different sizes and angles to create an effect of irregular light rays from a book. Superimpose some shapes above other shapes as shown. Use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to select all the bottom anchor points, then press Command + Alt + J to open the Average Panel. In Axis check the Both option and click on the OK button.

Step 42

Apply a Gaussian Blur effect of 10 pixels.

Step 43

  1. Create a new layer (Sphere) and draw a 85 by 85 pixel circle using the Ellipse Tool (L).
  2. Fill it with the following gradient: Slide1 color R:255, G:255, B:255. Slide2 color R:65, G:30, B:0.
  3. Use the Gradient Tool (G) to define the gradient direction.
  4. Go to the Transparency Panel (Shift + Command + F10) and set the Opacity to 50%. Delete the stroke.

Step 44

(a) Draw a 175 by 40 pixel ellipse using the Ellipse Tool (L). (b) Go to Object > Path > Outline Stroke. Don’t fill it, only apply a white stroke of 1 pt. (c) Repeat all the process with a 158 by 28 pixels ellipse and place it in the center of the first ellipse. (d) Draw many 3 by 3 pixel circles to fill the space between the two ellipses as shown. These circles must be filled with a white color.

Step 45

(a) Draw a 15 by 45 pixel oval using the Ellipse Tool (L). Create a copy and place both ovals as shown, then (b) Group them. Rotate the ovals 45° and press Command + D twice to repeat the action. (c) Use the Star Tool to create a star with the following values: Radius1 is 15. Radius2 is 35 with 6 Points. Set the stroke to 1 pt. (d) Duplicate the star and assign to the copy a stroke of 4 pt. Then apply a Gaussian Blur of 20 pixels. (e) Group and put them all at the center of the sphere.

Step 46

  1. Select only the sphere using the Group Selection Tool, copy and paste it in the same place using Command + C and Command + F. Place it over all. Set the Opacity to 75% and paint it with the color R:245, G:245, B:245.
  2. Apply a Gaussian Blur of 40 pixels.
  3. Now Select the ring and make a copy on the same place using Command + C and Command + F. Select Both and deselect the top ring. Apply a Gaussian Blur of 5 pixels.
  4. Group all and place them in the same place as shown.

Step 47

Create a new layer (Light) and draw a 500 by 382 pixel rectangle. Place it on the top of the Artboard.

Step 48

  • Fill it with the Gradient:
    • Slide1: R:255, G:255, B:255, with Location 5%, and 0% Opacity.
    • Slide2: R:255, G:255, B:255, with Location 50%, and 100% Opacity.
    • Slide3: R:255, G:255, B:255, with Location 95%, and 0% Opacity.

Step 49

Apply a Transparency with 75% Opacity and apply a Gaussian Blur of 40 pixels.

Step 50

Create a new layer called “Stars” and draw a star using the Star Tool. Open the Star panel and set the values shown below.

Step 51

Now we’ll make stardust. For that, we will have to use a 3 by 3 pixel star. We only have to duplicate the star many times, but in the center, the stars must be closer.

Step 52

We will add several 7 by 7 pixel stars and some four-pointed stars.

Step 53

Add the rest of the stars and the circles. Add less stars as that size increases.

Final Image

Now you can set all layers on and enjoy the final result, remember that the correct positions of the layers are: “Background,” “Reflex,” “Book,” “Rays Lights,” “Sphere,” “Light,” and “Stars.”

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