Even with all the technology out there, no one has figured out a better way to exchange contact information than with a business card. The problem with business cards however is that once the recipient has extracted your information, the card itself tends to end up in the trash, and after a few emails or phone calls, the recipient may forget about you all together. So how do you exchange information with a potential client, prevent them from throwing your information in the trash, and make sure they don’t forget about you, all at the same time? How about give them a business card magnet?
Business card magnets have all the advantages of a standard business card with one major addition, the ability to stick your business card to any magnetic surface. This means that your information may end up stuck to a refrigerator or any metallic surface in an office, improving your visibility and the life span of your cards. Today, our friends at UPrinting will be giving away 500 Business Card Magnets to 3 lucky Psdtuts readers. To win, all you have to do is leave a comment below and tell us what you would do with your business card magnets.
Up for Grabs
- 500 Business Card Magnets from UPrinting (x3)
- To enter, leave a comment below and tell us what you would do with your business card magnets.
- Only enter once. If you enter more than once, you will be disqualified.
- Follow UPrinting on Twitter of Facebook (Optional)
- Make sure to enter a valid email address so that we can contact you.
- Entries will be accepted until Friday, April 15, 2011 at 11:59 PM, EST.
- Open to U.S. and International residents.
- Free shipping.
Good luck everyone! Also, feel free to check out UPrinting’s other magnet printing services, as well.