BG Renderer 2.0: standard script updated

AE Scripts has just released BG Renderer 2.0, an After Effects script that allows you to render your Render Queue items in the background so you can continue working with After Effects. It runs as a dockable panel that is saved as part of your workspace. BG Renderer now comes in 2 flavors, Basic and Pro, and both versions now require a very low cost license.

After 4 years of compatibility updates, script author Lloyd Alvarez has completely re-programmed how it works, to make it even more easy-to-use and reliable. With the new Basic version you can just render your queue in the background with a click.

The Pro version offer many additional features, including:

  • set prefs for the renders
  • post render actions which allow you to get “growl” notifications
  • send email (with log), send sms and even iPhone push notifications when your renders are done or you have an error
  • send a terminal command to be executed after each item in the queue is done rendering and put the machine to sleep or shut it down
  • If you are using CS3 or CS4 and have CS5 installed, you can send your CS3 or CS4 render to the CS5 render engine to take advantage of the new 64-bit goodness while keeping your work project in the older version
  • a portable app/folder feature that makes it easy to create an ad-hoc render farm quickly by simply copying this portable app to all the machines on your network and just double-clicking it to launch the render on that machine.

There’s full instructions on AE Scripts, with a video tutorial for each major feature.

For more information on rendering and notifications, see After Effects render tipsBackground rendering with After Effects and AE render notifications: iPhone & beyond at AE Portal.

Here’s the overview video:

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