Weekly Poll: Net Neutrality, What Do You Think?

Have you read up on net (network) neutrality? Do you understand how it affects you and even our culture as a whole? It seems that most people, while having heard of net neutrality, don’t actually understand it and what it means for them. This is an important subject to have at least a basic understanding of so you know where you stand.

In a nutshell, net neutrality describes a general idea where your internet access is not restricted by internet service providers (or governments). Once you pay for internet access at your desired speed, you’re able to access the internet as you wish (legally of course).

So what is everyone up in arms about? One side believes the internet should not be controlled, while the other side believes that organizations providing internet access should be allowed to run their networks as they wish. In other words, Comcast could block or restrict (possibly at a price) access to services like Hulu or Netflix.

There’s a whole slew of potential issues a “non-neutral” internet would present but those would need a full article to discuss. For an easy to understand overview of net neutrality, check out http://theopeninter.net. A more in-depth article covering what net neutrality is, arguments for both sides, the new laws introduced Dec. 21, 2010 and further details, checkout lifehacker’s Introduction to Net Neutrality.

Personally, I’m for an open and neutral internet and the new rules set by the FCC seem promising for my wired internet connection, but not so much for my mobile connection. What do you think of the FCC’s new rules? (view FCC’s net neutrality rules in PDF)

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