Weekly Poll: Do You Avoid Flash-based Apps?
As of late, Flash has been increasingly filling my thoughts. If you follow Web.AppStorm (you do right?), you’ll know that we’re clearly fans of Flash-less web apps and excited by advancements in apps utilizing HTML5 and CSS3. Although some of our posts would lead you to believe we’re anti-Flash, we’re certainly not — though I personally tend prefer Flash-less apps.
As the year is coming to an end, I’ve been evaluating the content Web.AppStorm covers and why we’ve so severely neglected our Flash brethren. The simple fact of the matter is, HTML5 stole much of the limelight this year and Flash took a few hard knocks thanks to a some big names like Apple and Google.
You’ll notice many new or improved web apps are flaunting HTML5 versions or replacements, dropping Flash like a bad habit. In a way, Flash has become a dirty word to many — or maybe just less marketable. While this may have been the trend during this last year, we’re well aware of the fact that Flash is still a powerhouse and in many situations, the right tool for the job.
With that in mind, I’d like to balance things out and give Flash more love this coming year. As such, I’ve been trudging through the mountains of web apps I use to find some really great Flash-based apps for in-depth reviews on Web.AppStorm.
With that, I’m wondering if you avoid Flash-based apps or embrace them lovingly? Do you have some really great Flash-based apps in mind that you’d love to see reviewed or featured on Web.AppStorm?
And, dare I ask, are you an HTML5 vs Flash OR an HTML5 & Flash (living in harmony) web user? Are they rivals or are they different tools that, used together, can accomplish amazing things?
Recommended Reading: 10 Flash Things You Can’t Do With HTML5
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