Winner Announced: Win the First DVD in Jim Pavett’s “The Studio Edge” Series

In Björgvin Benediktsson’s interview with audio engineer Jim Pavett, Jim mentioned he was working on a set of educational DVDs. The series is now available, and we’re giving you the opportunity to win Volume 1. To enter, just leave a comment! One random commenter will be chosen as winner. Too easy.

Winner Announced

Our winner for this competition (picked at random) is JJ, who left the comment, “I was going to write a couple of tutorials, but now I’m glad I didn’t since that would disqualify me.” Well, now you’ve won the prize, feel free to send us some quick tips. Congratulations – we’ll be in touch with you shortly.

If you didn’t win and would still like the DVD, check it out at Pure Wave Audio.

The Studio Edge Vol 1 Tutorial DVD

Here are some details about Jim’s tutorial series:

The purpose of this series it to help you get a solid grounding in audio engineering and sound recording. In this first installment of The Studio Edge: Pro Audio Recording Series you will learn the fundamentals of sound engineering that are crucial to your success in the studio. Understanding the physics of sound and how to properly use things like compression will make all the difference in your recordings.

The tutorial’s author, Jim Pavett, will give you a detailed overview on every aspect of the recording process, with hands on projects covering how to set up your monitors, how to handle phase issues, and how to properly place microphones. Although there is some theory involved everything is well explained, complete with hundreds of helpful visuals. Jim will take you through a complete journey of the fundamentals of audio recording.

Throughout the tutorial, Jim also gives opportunities for you to get out of your seat and get involved. Whether it’s figuring out which frequency your hearing tops out at, or moving around the room to figure out the best place to put your monitors, there are tons of practical lessons to try out on your own. If you’re starting to put together a studio and are feeling overwhelmed with everything around you, let us help you out by teaching you the fundamentals of audio so you’ll never feel like an alien in your own studio again.

The topics covered in Volume 1 include \the physics of sound, gear and studio concepts. Here is a preview:

Learn more from Jim’s website.

For the chance to win, all you need to do is comment. If you like, tell us why you need this DVD. Make sure to include your correct email address with your comment so that we can contact you. This giveaway is open worldwide, but make sure to get your comment in before midnight this Saturday, Pacific Eastern Standard Time.

Please note: Envato staff and people who have written more than two tutorials/articles for a Tuts+ site are not eligible to enter.

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