Share Socially with Wibba

Remember that link that you found so cool that you really wanted to share it with someone? But the big question is… who? Your brains whir and through a carefully thought-out process of elimination, you finally choose the person that would benefit most from visiting your amazing link, but you’re bored by now.

With Wibba, it becomes an easy process to share interesting things you’ve found around the web with the people that would benefit from them the most. You’re not limited to one person and with its really simple interface, it’s a breeze to use. Find out more about this great app inside the article.


Wibba is a brand new app from the folks behind Shoply that allows you to easily and quickly share media with your friends in a social environment, whether this be news, videos, pictures or products. Taking inspiration from simple microblogging apps like Twitter, Wibba makes it really simple to share the things you find on the web and love with those that you think would love them too.

Strongly emphasising simplicity, it’s easy to find the things you’d be interested in by making use of their “following” concept to ensure that that content which has been “Wibbled” by the people you follow always shows up.




The design of Wibba is very easy on the eye and it does not overuse images like some other apps, rather letting the simplicity of the design reflect into the app itself. Consisting of a sleek grey, white and blue color scheme, it’s clear that a lot of time has been spent on tweaking the interface to be just right and the result is an application designed quite well for ease of usability as well as readability.



Creating an Account

To create an account on Wibba, it’s free, simple, and only takes a few seconds. The registration form only asks you for some basic information such as your email address and you are then prompted to choose a username and password for your Wibba account.



They also provide the option of signing into the app using Twitter’s authentication so that you are not required to sign up for both services, allowing you to easily log into the application providing you are logged into Twitter.

Once you’ve created your Wibba account, you’ll be given the option to add some information to your profile such as a picture and a description of yourself. You can edit this, however, at any time and it’s perfectly fine to skip the process after you’ve created your account. Once you’ve done this, you will then be taken to your Wibba homepage.

Profile Editor

Profile Editor

Adding Wibbles

To get started with Wibba, you first need to start adding Wibbles. These basically consist of a link to a page, product or anything you find interesting and once you’ve added the link, the app automatically grabs a description or any important information about the page. To add a Wibble, simply visit the homepage and using the main field, you can enter the URL to a link you’d like to share with your Wibba followers.

Adding a Wibble from the Stream page

Adding a Wibble from the Stream page

You’ll then be taken to another page that preloads this important data about the link you have added and you can then customize this to suit how you’d like it to be presented on the site. A title for the Wibble is added so that you don’t really need to do much except optionally add some comments.

If you’d prefer not to comment on the link, a description should already appear in the box. You can then choose a thumbnail for the link based on several images that were found in the page that you linked to. Once you’ve done, you can then save the Wibble and it will show up immediately, nicely-formatted, in your followers’ and your own streams.

Adding Wibble Details

Adding Wibble Details


Now that you’ve created your first Wibble, you might as well start having a look through others to find things you may be interested in. Wibble has a system similar to that of Twitter whereby if you find someone’s content interesting and would like to get it automatically streamed to your Wibba homepage, you can follow them. This is a really cool feature that is utilized well with this app as it allows for the easy inclusion of Wibbles that might be interesting.

Once you’ve found a user you’d like to follow, you can visit their profile and you will be then presented with a follow link in the sidebar. When you’re following a user, you can expect their content to start showing so that you are presented with the things you’ll love.

Following a Wibba User

Following a Wibba User

If you find a Wibble that looks so great, you’d like to proclaim that greatness through a comment, this is possible too. Wibba automatically allows commenting on each Wibble so that it becomes a pleasant experience to interact with those who also feel strongly about that certain link. It’s also possible to use their “Like” feature to express your gratitude for the sharing of a certain Wibble.

Liking a Wibble

Liking a Wibble


Wibba have also recently launched the use of a bookmarklet that makes it even easier to share Wibbles through Wibba when you’re surfing the web. To add the bookmarklet, simply drag their link into the favorites or bookmarks bar of your browser and then when you’ve found a piece of content you’d like to share, simply click it and you’ll be taken to Wibba to add more information about that Wibble.

The Wibba Bookmarklet

The Wibba Bookmarklet

Final Thoughts

Personally, I think that Wibba is one of the best sites for sharing tech links and content that I find great. It’s not as bloated as some other social bookmarking apps and due to its easy and simple design, it becomes even easier to take advantage of the app. It contains no advertising at all and provides a completely unobtrusive experience. The whole concept of this social bookmarking site that takes some of the best elements of Twitter, and then adds some, is great and it’s more than clear that a lot of effort and time has gone into developing this app. Great job!

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