Awesome Links #18: Dream Job, Productivity Myths, Dropbox

How Holding Out for Dream Jobs Can Harm Your Career

How many times have you waited to get that dream job, just to find out later that it wasn’t as good as you thought it would be? Lifehacker discovered an article that suggests that you were wrong to wait for that job in the first place.

5 Productivity Myths That Need to Be Busted

This article at Dumb Little Man (full disclosure…written by yours truly) talks about some productivity myths floating around and how they could actually hamper your productivity instead of helping you. Some of the tips might surprise you (like procrastination isn’t always bad, and more work isn’t always good) and it might force you to change the way you try to be productive. The sooner you can do it, the better.

How I Work Less and Accomplish More (by Managing My Energy)

An interesting article published by Freelance Folder that talks about managing your energy and why it is more important than managing your time. The writer suggests you should live your life like a sprinter and work when there are sudden bursts of energy. You should shoot for 40-45 minutes of real hard and focused work, and then 15 minutes of break time.

Synnk – Super Quick Event and Meeting Planning

I came across this really cool event/meeting planner which, in my opinion, could save a lot of time when planning a small event or a get-together with friends. You just need to send an email to [email protected] to get started. No account registration hassles. It creates the event, sends you the link and then you can share it with friends and decide together.

Transfer and Sync over Wi-Fi With Dropbox

Remember our article on why Dropbox might be the best backup and sync solution? Well, now it lets you transfer and sync files over your home network — meaning you don’t need to upload files to the web to share it with your brother sitting in the next room.

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