Klymi Modern Admin Skin
Klymi Modern Admin Skin
Klymi Admin is a modern, user-friendly and a perfect modern admin skin for any stable
admin panel solution and, is easy to tweak.
This is a modern, clean and flexible layout developed recently and therefore using modern
browsers will expose and take full advantage of Klymi’s capabilities!
Browser details:
- Firefox 3.5+
- Safari 5.01+
- Chrome 5
- Opera 10
- IE7 & 8
- XHTML 1 .0 Strict Valid
- HTML5 (experimental) Valid
- .psd file included for easy editing of colors
More details:
- Custom nice clean modal window
- Klymi uses lightweight jQuery to enhance the ease of use & editing
- jWYSIWYG editor with any textarea
- uniFORM plugin used to enhance the form styles
- Options menu with 3 columns, Left, Right & Center
- CSS3 attributes
- Well commented
- Help document enclosed
- Very well layed out (folders, html, css)
For Icon Credits:
- icons.txt file inside the “help” folder.