JobMarket created with most latest techniques base on Bootstrap 3 and all files validated from JobMarket has a complete solution for job portal, job, career, resume, directory, freelancer, employer, job listing, and portfolio.
Included Pages
Here is a list of most important pages that are included in the download packages, but it’s not limited to the following pages.
- Bootstrap 3 Grid 1170 px
- Google Map with multiple pins
- Slick Slider
- Retina Ready
- Fully Responsive
- Animations
- Widgets
- Sidebar
- Different Blog Layouts
- Unlimited Color Scheme
- Clean and Professional Code
- Popups
- Sitemap
- Count up
- Tabs
- Mega Menu
- CSS3
- Easy to Customize
- Free Google Font used
- Fontawesome Icons
- Flaticon Icons
- and Many More..