Xero template comes with bunch of different features for ultimate use. It has three different and awesome portfolio options. Also comes with a fully working ajax powered PHP contact form. It has a user friendly jQuery powered dropdown menus with unlimited menu levels and child menu indicator for optimum creativity.
It also comes with eight different colour schemes for your pleasure as well as two different styles, grunge and shiny style for optimum customization.
Live Preview
To change colour scheme, click the colour scheme button in the navigation of the template and choose any colour from the ones listed.
Sorry for the code optimisation in the live preview, but pirates are everywhere now , The code in the downloadable files are much more cleaner and well commented
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- Valid XHTML /CSS
- Ajax powered PHP contact form with validation
- 8 Colour schemes
- 2 Different styles (grunge & shiny)
- 3 Different portfolio options
- Tabbed sidebar widget
- Infinity jQuery dropdown menu levels
- Built on 960.gs
- 10 Different image animations.
- @font-face font replacement
- Nivo slider
- ColorBox overlay
- Superfish dropdown
- jQuery tools
- Myriad Pro font
- Icondock Vector Social Media Icons
- Flickr