Essential Tools for JavaScript Developers (Code)

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Course Description

JavaScript is the most popular, and probably the most important, programming language today. As such, there are countless tools that make our lives just a little bit easier. But what are the tools that you absolutely must have? I’ll show you some in this course.

What You’ll Learn

  • A guide to popular code editors such as Atom, Brackets, and Visual Studio.
  • Working with Chrome’s development tools.
  • Using Require.js to load your current models.
  • Using the Modernizr feature-detection library and the Handlebars templating engine.
  • Working with NPM and Browserify to distribute JavaScript components.
  • Using Grunt as a JavaScript task runner and adding two key plugins.

About the Instructor

Jeremy McPeak started his development career on the client side, writing JavaScript and DHTML components in his spare time. He has co-written several books, such as Professional Ajax 1st Edition, Professional Ajax 2nd Edition, and Beginning JavaScript 3rd and 4th editions. You can check out his website.

Download Essential Tools for JavaScript Developers (Code)

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