Rays – HTML Template for Spa, Resorts and Hotels (Travel)

Intuitive minimalist design, ultra sharp graphics, imposing readability and pleasing outlook are the distinguishing features of Rays Premium HTML template that you will find nowhere else. Each of its Homepages layouts offers unique set of features, with elegance and refinement emanating from every single inch. Already economical in price, it saves you dozens of dollars on account of free premium third party plugins, such as Layer Slider (worth $14) and AJAX Contact Form (worth $4). Packed with 6+ unique Homepages, it is best for the niches of Hotel, Resort, Restaurant, Marriage Hall, Spa & Saloon, Seaside Destination, and so on.

Build A Spa Website

Rays, an HTML template with focused functionalities, lets you build a spa website with dimensions totally redefined. It comes handy even for the beginners. You will appreciate its technical perfection.

Build a Resort Website

With its robust SEO coding, unique catchy design, sublime outlook and remarkable ease of usage, Rays has emerged as the best resort template. Build a resort website in minutes now!

Build a Hotel Website

Going to launch a static online platform for your sprawling hotel business? Build a hotel website with Rays and see your business touch climax of success.

Build a Saloon Website

Do you know how important it is to build a saloon website on modern lines for the promotion and popularity of your project? If you know it, let Rays premium HTML template open new horizons for you!

Pages Included

  • Home Page 1
  • Home Page 2
  • Home Page 3
  • Home Page 4
  • Home Page 5
  • Home Page 6
  • About Page
  • Blog
  • Blog List View
  • Blog Single Page
  • Contact Us Page
  • Faqs Page
  • Gallery Page 1
  • Gallery Page 2
  • Gallery Page 3
  • Gallery Page 4
  • Gallery Page 5
  • Packages
  • Package Single Page
  • Services Page
  • Service Style 2
  • Team Page
  • Widgets

Download Rays – HTML Template for Spa, Resorts and Hotels (Travel)

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