eKoders Admin is very light weight, fully featured and easy to use Admin theme. It’s based on bootstrap 3.2.0 and included most of popular and required plugins. It can be used for many types of Websites, CMS, Web applications, admin panel, clients panel etc. we have tried to make each & every plugin and elements fully responsive as well as in multi colour.
For now, we have included 5 colour styles while UNLIMITED Possibility by using “less”, If you are not familiar with less please share your desired colour scheme by mail We’d be happy to make it for you..
For questions & suggestions Please follow me on Twitter : http://twitter.com/QsThemes
- Fully Attached Front End Website
(Single css and javascript for both admin and Frontend which means you can use any of plugins and elements anywhere without any additional css) - Chrome Voice Recognition –
Speech recognition API, ready to use, create your own voice commands easily - Side menu filter
- Fully matched Live Chat ui
- Pure CSS3 checkbox, radio and On/Off switch elements
- Three additional Buttons styles
- Portlets in different colours and styles
- Docs type additional note and notice box
- Tiles buttons in different colours and styles
- Multi style tabs
- Three style accordions
- Multi style pricing tables
- Fully Responsive Layout
- Valid HTML and CSS3
- Easy Documentation with quick example codes
Included Third Party Plugins
- jQuery slimScroll
- Select2
- Date Range Picker
- morris.js
- EasyPieChart
- Bootbox.js
- Gritter Notifications
- FooTables
- jQuery DataTables
- Datatables Responsive
- Bootstrap Select
- Datetime Picker
- Bootstrap MaxLength
- Fuelux
- Bootstrap TouchSpin
- Bootstrap Tags Input
- Bootstrap Form Wizard
- jQuery Sparklines
- Masked Input
- Bootstrap-wysihtml5
- Bootstrap Markdown
- X-editable
- Bootstrap DatePicker
- PACE Preloader
- Colorbox
- Owl carousel
- Flot Chart
- Revolution Slider
- Bootstrap Rating Input
- And many more to come in upcoming release
Please Note: The images shown in demo are for preview usage only. These images are not part of theme!