10 responsive, modular, multipurpose newsletter templates.
- 10 responsive templates…
- with 7 different headers and 11 different footer elements
- in 7 color schemes (orange, red, purple, blue, turquoise, green, olive)…
- with flexible table structure (delete/copy/replace table rows inside and between layouts)
- MailChimp and Campaign Monitor ready
- valid XHTML, media queries CSS, inline CSS for styling, well commented code
- Documentation file with examples how to work with modules (table rows) to get desired content structure of templates and how to import and edit your templates in MailChimp and Campaign Monitor
- Tested with Litmus and Email on Acid testing tools
Templates are optionally prepared for use in MailChimp and Campaign Monitor campaigns… this will give you more freedom to modify content structure and appearance:
- Modules and editable content areas in templates are marked with unique identifiers which gives you opportunity to build unique template structures and to delete/copy/replace table rows inside and between existing layouts just like in standard HTML templates
- You can easily repeat/add or delete/hide content modules
- Header and footer elements are prepared as variable content modules so you can easily choose the best one that match your style and needs
Note: Templates and variable content modules will be fully functional only in ‘campaign’ mode!
Templates are tested in all major offline and online e-mail clients with Litmus and Email on Acid testing tools – click here and download preview of rendering test
Note: Although this templates are fully tested, correct display in a specific e-mail client cannot be guaranteed.
- Illustrations and icons shown in preview files and screenshots ARE NOT included in download…
- These templates are created by writing code directly in HTML files so I can’t provide a PSD file with complete template structure. Layered PSD files of graphic elements used for layout design are included in download…
In my preview files and screenshots I’ve used some great illustrations from Envato marketplaces :
(files ARE NOT included in download package…)
- Tablet Gesture Icons by DesignAstronaut
- Over 500 Simple Icons by batabarata
- Hardware Silhouttes by colatudo
- Infographics Elements with World Map by AbsentAnna