Aperture – The First Photography Theme for Ghost (Ghost Themes)

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Meet Aperture – The First Photography Theme for Ghost

When creating Aperture, we had one thing in mind. To build it responsive, yet in respect to the choices photographers make when publishing their photos. So, every resize of the portfolio images is done proportionally, reflecting your choices in terms of shape, format, cuts etc, on desktop devices, tablets and mobile phones alike.

As Ghost grows, so will Aperture. We will update the theme with all the goodness that Ghost has to offer its users. For free.

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Resources & Credits

We at QBKL would like to extend our thanks to the developers of Ghost and jQuery, Inu Yaksa for jQuery Nicescroll, Alexander Dickson for waitForImages, Font Awesome for the beautiful iconic font and Unsplash for the wonderful imagery used in the demo of Aperture. All imagery copyright goes to their respective authors!

Download Aperture – The First Photography Theme for Ghost (Ghost Themes)

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