ExtraNews comes with strong and elegant layout that combined with smooth transition. Magazine/Blog/News template that built with HTML5 and CSS3. ExtraNews has responsive layout that will fit on desktop and mobile browser.
- Built with HTML5 and CSS3
- Modern and Elegant Layout
- 12 columns grid system
- 6 Color schemes
- Responsive layout
- Unique Slider Homepage
- 3 different Blog loops layout ( Wookmark / Masonry Style, Block, Classic )
- 4 single page layout with unique style
- Cross Browser compatible
- smooth CSS3 animation effect
- Sliding side menu in Mobile device / offcanvas
- Animated Rating Bar
- 18 seamless pattern background
- 14 HTML files
- Icon font (using the latest font awesome 4)
- News ticker
- Smooth Carousel Item
- Image with lightbox effect
- Animated back to top button
Credits :
- jquery
- jquery-ui
- smoothdivscroll-1.3
- prettyPhoto
- font-awesome 4
- jQuery Kinectic
- jQuery Pushy
- jQuery FlexSlider v2.2.0
- hoverIntent
- jQuery Superfish Menu Plugin
- imagesLoaded PACKAGED v3.0.4
- jQuery Wookmark plugin
- easyPieChart
- liScroll
- Image used in live Demo( not include in item packed ) thanks to unsplash.com, markjsebastian, fotuwe, vonderauvisuals, chrisschoenbohm