Flatty 7 is a flat style one page responsive template for photostudio, creative or digital agency, frelancers, business. It is a portfolio for showcasing your work with fullscreen slider and parallax scrolling effect.
- Responsive Layout
- Parallax Sections
- Flat Design (iOS7 Style)
- Many Shortcodes
- Page Customization
- AJAX Contact Form
- Unlimited Image Sliders (Touch Ready)
- Preloader
- Sticky Navigation
- Unlimited Colors
- Custom Backgrounds
- Demo Content
- Google Fonts
- PSD and Action Files Included (Icons and other graphic)
- Filterable Gallery
- Organized and Commented Code
- and more…
At comments or [email protected]. New support forum coming soon.
The images used in demo are from paid stock markets and aren’t included in files. A thank you very much to:
prettyPhoto http://www.no-margin-for-errors.com/projects/prettyphoto-jquery-lightbox-clone/
Long Shadow Action http://www.icanbecreative.com/flat-long-shadow-photoshop-action.html
Parallax http://www.ianlunn.co.uk/plugins/jquery-parallax/
Sticky http://labs.anthonygarand.com/sticky
touchSwipe https://github.com/mattbryson/TouchSwipe-Jquery-Plugin
carouFredSel http://caroufredsel.dev7studios.com
and Dmitry Merizov, Alexey Masalov, Cosmin Capitanu, Sergey Valiukh, Jan Dvorak, Jacob Cummings for some demo content.