Swatch – Flat Responsive Multi-Purpose WP Theme (Business)

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Swatch is a flat, super configurable and fully responsive WordPress Theme. Swatch takes the new “Flat Design” philosophy and puts you in control of how the theme can look as much as possible.

The most important parts of the theme are “Swatchable”, which means you have unique control of the colours that are used on your site. This means Menus, Headers, Posts, Pages, Page Sections, Shortcodes and Footer are “Swatchable”. We have even created a Swatch Editor so that you can create your own colour schemes!

The theme is ready to translate into any language using the WPML plugin. As usual of our themes you will receive our 100% support, should you need any help :)

Swatch Flat Responsive

Features list

  • Built on Boostrap
  • Unlimited color combinations
  • 25+ Page Designs
  • 4 Alternate Homepage Designs
  • Responsive design – tested on ipad / iphone
  • Retina Display Ready
  • Valid HTML5 + CSS3
  • WPML Ready!
  • Revolution Slider (worth $15)
  • Isotope (worth $25)
  • Set of flat icons (worth $9)
  • Flexslider with touch gestures
  • Blog with post format support
  • Great Font Options with Google Fonts and TypeKit support
  • Shortcodes
    • 40 Easy to use shortcodes
    • Unique Shortcode generator – lets you see a preview as you change options!
  • Custom Posts for your business content – easy to update your site
    • Staff – Staff can be orgainsed into departments
    • Services – Organise your business services
    • Testimoials – Add a client testimonial quickly & easily
  • Clean coded
  • Clean Flexible Flat Design – can be used for any kind of site
  • Quick Uploader – Upload multiple portfolio items, slideshow images, staff photos or testimonial photos in one simple process – saves hours of manually creating posts
  • Responsive Typography
  • Font Awesome Icons Built In
  • Unique Business Page Designs
  • Social Icons & Twiiter Widgets
  • PSD included in package
  • Many Useful Shortcodes
    • Buttons
    • Tabs
    • Pill Box Nav
    • Slideshow
    • Progress Bars
    • Charts
    • Tables
  • Section Shortcodes – build up beautiful pages using our full width section shortcodes
  • Detailed online documentation
  • Cross Browser compatible
  • Great looking portfolios
  • Unlimited Sidebars – add sidebars to pages, page templates, custom post types & categories
  • Options Galore
    • Header height – change the height of your header with one click!
    • Customise all slider options
    • Upload custom logos

Key features


People who bought our themes said

this theme is very well done! updates work without a hitch, widget areas, advanced styling and all transfers to updated version, i have to say, one of the best themes ive worked with! havent tried the wpml compatibility, but seems like its made to work!
good work oxygenna, thank you! manuki

WOW, I dont give compliments easily here, but this excellent work deserves it. hempro

Smartbox theme is one of the easiest and best way ho to create website very fast. skukucka


Download Swatch – Flat Responsive Multi-Purpose WP Theme (Business)

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