BossThemes GoMarket – Supermarket OpenCart Theme (Shopping)

Bossthemes GoMarket

Bossthemes GoMarket has a simple-looking, neat, clean layout with blocks of featured products, featured categories and promotions are well-organized on a white background. But this design is highlighted with many new and useful features, becomes one of the most powerful Opencart templates.

Key Features

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  • OpenCart version

Included in the purchase package:

  1. Theme package to install on your existing store
  2. Full demo site package included all sample data
  3. All free & commercial modules included
  4. Layered PSD design files
  5. Detailed installation & user guide documentation. View online version here.

Video instruction to install theme

  1. Install theme to your existing store
  2. Install full demo site

Responsive Design

Responsive Design

Design is optimized for all the most popular screen resolutions. When screen is resized, design elements are transformed smoothly on each breakpoint (from 240 to 1680 pixels) in order to adapt to the current resolution. Width of the page is fluid, but you can also disable fluid width: in that case the width will only be changed on breakpoints.

Responsive Levels

Mega Menu (Boss Mega Menu module)

  • Boss – Mega Menu module
  • Configure many types of flexible menu by combining options together
    • Link to website’s address
    • Multiple categories
    • Featured Products
    • Static content
    • Manufacturers
    • Information
  • Configure width and columns of dropdown menu
  • Configure columns for each option
  • Configure header menu and support multi-language

Mega Menu

Slideshow (Boss Slideshow module)

  • Boss – Slideshow module
  • Ability to configure image, captions and url
  • Multi-language for caption
  • Allow touch swipe navigation of the slider


Vertical Categories (Boss Quick Selection module)

  • Displaying selected category and uploaded icon in the header (Block SHOP BY DEPARTMENT)


Banners & Contents (Boss Static Content module)

  • Show free content in many different positions and layouts
  • Multi language supported
  • Advanced many banners for home page and category page

banners and links

Products by Alphabet (Boss Products by Alphabet module)

Classify Products by Alphabet Letters

Products by alphabet

Homepage filtered products

  • Showing filtered products (special, popular, bestseller products) in homepage.
  • Effect of carouFredSel slider and corresponding label.

filtered products

Featured Products by Category

Showing Featured Products by selected Category with many differen styles: tabs and no tabs effect, slider and no slider, small and big product thumbnail,…

featured products

List & Grid Products Listing

list & grid products listing

Popup Add to

Show popup message when add to cart, add to wishlist, add to compare

popup add to cart

Cloud zoom and light box

Cloud Zoom and light box like image effect for product photo

cloudzoom and lightbox

Related products with slider

related products

Manufacturer block

Quick fillter product by manufacturer

products by manufacturer

Tag Cloud Block

Show tag cloud of product tags

Tag Cloud

Configurable side column position left or right


Community Support & Customer Support

Our support team guarantees to respond you within 24 working hours. You can send us email to [email protected], when you receive an auto-response email it means that your question has been delivered to our system ticket system. We will proceed tickets and respond you to in the queue order.

Our working hour is from 8:00AM to 5:00PM GMT+8 Monday to Saturday.

Download BossThemes GoMarket – Supermarket OpenCart Theme (Shopping)

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