Huraga Responsive Admin Template (Admin Templates)

Huraga is a beautifully minimalistic HTML5 template for any backend, user interface or administration, both for desktop and mobile users. Built on latest Twitter Bootstrap and powered with LESS , Wuxia will save you hours in developing your project. Template is available in 6 default colors and packed with basic and popular user interface elements and widgets.

Built on Twitter Bootstrap

Bootstrap is one of the most complete front-end toolkits over the internet. Thats why we decided to use it as our skeleton framework for all upcoming templates. Maintaining native Bootstrap functionality, enriched of pleasing design and tons of new template features, makes it very powerful UI kit for rapid development.

Code LESS !

LESS makes coding CSS much faster and more efficient. Variables, mixins, operations, and nesting allow us to make template customization as easy as possible. Each template comes with separate config file giving you control to easily midify size, fonts, images and mainly colors to suit your needs. You really should take a look at LESS , if you did not yet :)

Responsive design

Responsive and cross-everything design is a must have these days. Supporting new HTML5 syntax, CSS3 , Modernizr, Selectivizr and many others up-to-date technologies we can handle all major browsers and devices to provide a consistent experience.

Popular user interface components

We’re eating our own dog food. Using our templates for own projects force us to constantly update template components. Template package consists of full-featured typography set, form elements, static and dynamic tables, buttons, notifications, alerts, tabs, jQuery plugins and many more.

Extended licence

Whenever you need to speed it up or just being too lazy, we offer general modifications free of charge for everyone who purchase an Extended License. Please contact our support for more details.

Full Feature List

  • HTML5 syntax & CSS3 markup
  • Cross-browser compatible
  • Twitter Bootstrap compatible
  • Responsive design
  • Static and fluid grid system
  • Modal window
  • Notifications
  • Loading animation gifs
  • CSS buttons, button groups and button menus
  • CSS animated progress bars
  • Custom widgets and components
  • Font Awesome icon set
  • FamFamFam icon set
  • Built on LESS
  • Flexible and easy to customize
  • Layered .PSD file
  • Well documented code
  • jQuery jWYSIWYG Editor Plugin
  • jQuery Tooltips
  • jQuery DataTables
  • jQuery Full Calendar
  • jQuery Visualize
  • jQuery Flot Chart
  • jQuery plUpload
  • Bootstrap color and date picker
  • Bootstrap wysihtml5


  • v 1.0.

    Initial release

Download Huraga Responsive Admin Template (Admin Templates)

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