Artfolio – portfolio solution for creatives
Hi, this is ArtFolio, single page html/css template “all about your work” attitude. With artfolio you can have different background for each page. With this and cool transition between pages it is a perfect portolio solution for every creative person.
Theme features:
* Single page, grid system portfolio
* Full screen resazible image backgrounds
* Unique page transitions
* Light and dark version to choose from
* Smart linking system (no more internal links :))
* Php contact form with validation
* Preloader
* Universal portfolio (put whatever you want – image / series of images / video)
* Additional elements – buttons, tabs…
* Cross-browser, valid code
* Well organized and commented code
* Layout psd files included
* Well documented
If you have any questions about customisation this tamplate witch are not covered in the documentation check the FAQ section in this item page. Feeel free to ask question in the comment section or contact me directly via e-mail form on my profile page.