Dandelion Admin is a responsive, full featured admin template build exclusively for sale at ThemeForest.
This template focuses on having a simple, clear design, while providing the most commonly used elements on web apps.
Main Features
Full Responsive Design
This template is designed to be responsive, so it will adapt to any screen size. Any element in this template will resize or reposition itself to look at its best. Whether it’s a desktop computer, an iPad, or a mobile Phone, everything will look just great!
Try resizing your browser and see for yourself…
Custom Animated Statistic Widget
An animated, statistic circular plugin that can be used to display percentage data makes it easy to display data on your admin interface in a clear, beautiful way.
Custom Wizard Plugin
This template includes a wizard plugin with animated progress meter. This easy to setup plugin makes it easy to divide a long form into smaller steps in a clear and intuitive way.
Scrollable Content Widgets
One of the most common problem for small screen devices are content that expands horizontally overflowing its parent container. This template provides a solution by making content blocks scrollable horizontally with a scrollbar by just setting a css class.
Beautifully Styled jQuery-UI Widgets
This template includes the full jQuery-UI library, along with two additional add-ons, all styled to match this template’s look and feel.
More than 2000 icons included
Complete Feature List
- Full responsive design
- Two layout modes: fluid and fixed
- Optimized images using punyPNG
- Header dropdown menu for user tasks
- Header dropdown menu for messages and notifications
- Collapsible navigation
- Two statistic widgets
- Circular statistic
- Summary statistic
- Three custom plugins
- Animated circular statistic widget
- Wizard plugin with animated progress indicator
- Picklist, a dual select jquery plugin
- Charts API using the Google Charts Tools (GWT)
- 15 Plugins included and styled
- jQuery Chosen Plugin
- jQuery colorpicker Plugin
- jQuery DataTables Plugin
- jQuery Elastic Plugin
- elFinder
- elRTE
- Fullcalendar
- jGrowl
- Photoswipe
- placeholder plugin, a fallback for placeholders on non HTML5 browsers
- PLUpload
- prettyPphoto
- SyntaxHighligter
- jQuery Tipsy
- jQuery validate
- Fully styled jquery ui widget
- Progressbar (four colors included, animated using CSS3 )
- Sliders (four colors included)
- Datepicker with timepicker addon
- Dialogs
- Buttonsets
- Tabs
- Accordions
- Spinner
- Two table styles
- Usual table style
- Detail view table for displaying single data attributes
- Content area
- Plain content area
- Panel content area (can be collapsible)
- Horizontally scrollable panels (automatically set by setting a class name)
- Panel toolbar with unlimited levels dropdown menu
- Form layouts and sizes
- Inline form layout
- Block form layout
- Column form layout
- Fieldset
- Three form sizes
- small
- default
- large
- Form error message
- On top of the form as a summary
- Below the form input
- Form notes, a small note that can be displayed on top of the input
- CSS3 animated error page
- CSS3 styled image gallery
- CSS3 styled buttons (6 colors)
- 2000+ icons included in several colors and sizes
- IconSweets – http://www.yummgum.com
- Led Icons – http://led24.de/iconset/
Gallery Images
- http://photodune.net/item/orchid-flower/1379221
- http://photodune.net/item/tigon-flower/1668129
- http://photodune.net/item/tigon-flower/1668130
- http://photodune.net/item/yellow-apricot-blossom/1372934
- http://photodune.net/item/mountain-flowers/1054931
- http://photodune.net/item/yellow-apricot-blossom-3/1336781
- http://photodune.net/item/dahlia/1543527
- http://photodune.net/item/blossoming/1125633
- http://photodune.net/item/blossoming/1148527
- http://photodune.net/item/water-lily/983545
- http://photodune.net/item/flowers/2275760
- http://photodune.net/item/flowers/2171169
- http://photodune.net/item/flowers/2201731
- http://photodune.net/item/flowers/2168477
- http://photodune.net/item/helipterum/1118036
- http://photodune.net/item/multicolored-violet-flowers/1491058
- http://photodune.net/item/tulips/1981642
- http://photodune.net/item/flowers/2275760
- Error page hanger design from PixEden
Plugins and JavaScript Files
- jquery chosen plugin / http://harvesthq.github.com/chosen/
- jquery colorpicker plugin / http://www.eyecon.ro/colorpicker/
- jquery datatables plugin / http://www.datatables.net/
- jquery elastic plugin / http://unwrongest.com/projects/elastic/
- elfinder for easy file management / http://elfinder.org/
- elrte, a WYSIWYG text editor / http://elrte.org/
- fullcalendar, calendar plugin / http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/
- jgrowl, Mac OS X notification style plugin / http://stanlemon.net/pages/jgrowl
- photoswipe, a gallery plugin optimized for touch devices / http://www.photoswipe.com/
- placeholder plugin, a fallback for placeholders on non HTML5 browsers
- plupload, a file uploading plugin / http://www.plupload.com/
- prettyphoto, an image displaying plugin / http://www.no-margin-for-errors.com/projects/prettyphoto-jquery-lightbox-clone/
- syntaxhighligter, a plugin that outputs beautiful syntax highlighting / https://github.com/balupton/jquery-syntaxhighlighter
- jquery tipsy, a tooltip plugin / http://onehackoranother.com/projects/jquery/tipsy/
- jquery validate plugin / http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/
- jquery-ui spinner / https://github.com/btburnett3/jquery.ui.spinner
- jquery-ui / http://jqueryui.com/
- jquery JavaScript library / http://jquery.com/
- TinyScrollbar plugin / http://www.baijs.nl/tinyscrollbar/
- jquery debouncedresize / https://github.com/louisremi/jquery-smartresize
- ExplorerCanvas (excanvas) / http://excanvas.sourceforge.net/
- jquery metadata / https://github.com/jquery/jquery-metadata
- jquery fileinput / https://github.com/filamentgroup/jQuery-Custom-File-Input
I’ll do my best providing support for everyone. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact me and I will get back at you as fast as possible.
Version 1.0 (5/22/2012)
- Initial Release