SWIX – Responsive WordPress theme (Creative)

Swix is an extremely customizable and flexible theme, suitable for almost any kind of website. It is responsive, so it adapts to any device from mobile to high-res computer screens.

Main features

Custom Post Types

  • Portfolio
  • Teasers
  • Slides

Drag and drop modules

All pages and posts can be manually changed in the options panel via drag and drop functionality. Here is an overview on these areas, and the modules they can contain

Home page

  • Slider
  • Page content
  • Portfolio
  • Teaser-pages
  • Teaser 1
  • Teaser 2
  • Teaser 3
  • Twitter feed


  • Secondary-menu
  • Primary-menu
  • Logo
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Search-form
  • Social media links

Pages and posts

  • Multimedia (Featured image, Featured video or Gallery)
  • Title & subtitle
  • Post meta
  • Excerpt
  • Content
  • Comments
  • Sharing links (Twitter and facebook)
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Teaser 1
  • Teaser 2
  • Teaser 3
  • Latest tweets
  • Comments
  • Author info container (Posts only)
  • Related posts (Posts only)
  • Breadcrumbs


  • Footer-menu
  • Footer-primary widgets
  • Footer-secondary widgets
  • Footer logo and text
  • Footer credits
  • Twitter feed

Post meta
Easily add/remove and re-order post meta elements via drag and drop

  • Date
  • Comments
  • Author
  • Terms
  • Category
  • Tags


  • Flex responsive slider
  • Slideshow on any page or post
  • Gallery on any page or post
  • Video support (Vimeo and Youtube)

Post-format support

The theme supports post-formats for Image, Video and Gallery

User registration, login and profile page

Let users register, log in and change their user-profile on the front-end

  • Widget – User login/registration/Forgotten password
  • Shortcode – User login/registration/Forgotten password
  • User profile page template
  • User registration form shortcode
  • User login form shortcode

Unlimited sidebars

Easily create as many sidebars as you want via sidebar generator. Set sidebar on a page/post basis. Sidebar position can be set to right/left individually.

Custom Page templates

  • Blog template
  • User profile template
  • FAQ template
  • Portfolio-template
  • 2 alternative page templates


Shortcodes are inserted via a button in the editor that opens ann easy to use panel for inserting shortcodes. This means you do not need to write any comples shortcodes by hand.

  • Column layouts – Pre-defined grids in two to five column layouts
  • Content boxes – Many different sizes and colors.
  • Forms
  • Contact form
  • Login form
  • Register form
  • Video
  • Dropcaps
  • Quotes
  • Tabs and toggles

Fantastic theme-admin

The theme-admin page has so many great options, you will be amazed. Take a look at screenshots on the demo-site.

Download SWIX – Responsive WordPress theme (Creative)

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