Lista Landing Page (Corporate)

Lista Landing Page is a premium landing page design for your newsletter or download, even just a service, your choice! Lista Landing Page takes good use of the Z Reading pattern to guide the eye around the design and ultimately convert your visitors in to subscribers or buyers.

Of course, Lista gives you the possibility to choose from 5 Fantastic skins.

The perfect Landing Page

1. Landingpage – Some Basics about Landing Pages
A Landingpage should be always plain and simple. Exactly this point leads to which readers are not diverted and so better on actual contents to concentrate to be able itself. And exactly you would like that yes! In certain way you control so the attention of your readers. For the reader it is however likewise pleasant, since it is not diverted from many useless things and its information hunger satisfy briskly can. Do completely consciously without stressful items in your Landingpage. Completely much more is fewer!

2. Headline – The point of entrance
Headlines are the point of entrance on each web page. Here the attention of the reader begins and ends here, if the Headline does not show, which the reader expects. And it expects usually a continuation of the preceding display, web page, email, etc. Take up thus to the Headline the predicate of the means of publicity or the web page or on the left of, from which the user probably comes.

3. Subheadline – As it continues to go
As Subheadline on the Landingpage so-called of call to action, thus requests for action turned out best. Font size 12-14, writing colour light-grey, font family Helvetica. This area besides with a light lightyellow background was provided. Also behind payment Button on sales pages lightyellow backgrounds work particularly well.

4. The Video – Sales letter in pictures
Videos convert marvelously. Well, you knew surely already beforehand. As is dramatically however the differences between these Landingpage with video and without video, is real impressing. It concerns here hundreds of per cent difference! We found out that the start picture of the video works best, if a person, a face or a Play button, as are illustrated above, used. Texts, Headlines and writings reduce the effect of the actual Headline and let the whole Landingpage work again more jerkily. The video should be long between 3-4 min. and contain the same building blocks as a professional Salesletter. Define they instead a END fixed image with a call to Action or an arrow direction Lead form.

5. Call-to-Action – Request for concerning
The favourite colour of the most people is blue. And blue actually functions as background colour within the area best. The heading in the Leadbereich should be white, be centered, serifless, size 18-20 and refer in form of a call to action only to the form. Explain to the reader, what it is to make. Do not regard it however as an idiot.

6. Brief description – What the user get
In the brief description formulations function best those to the user explain which it expected. Describe thus in short form, what he gets, how much he gets, which value has the whole and when he gets it. Thus practically a summary of the complete video.

7. Newsletter Form – The Goldnuggets
Therefore ’ s goes! Here you collect your Leads.

8. Security – Structure of confidence
A small however effective Text snipplr, with the note, which all specification is confidentially treated. Very effectively and often underestimates.

9. Steps – Simple assertion
Explain to the user in simple steps what he has to do.

10. Text Content – Informations
Here goes your Information about your Newsletter or Product Download…

11. Screenshots – Make it look good
Here goes your Screenshots about your Newsletter or Product Download…

12. Testimonials – What people says
Testimonials on your landing page will increase conversion for your campaign because it indicates that to the visitor that the website is legitimate and also boost the confidence of the visitors either to buy or take some action on the site.

Theme Features

  • XHTML Strict 1.0 and CSS 3 , table-less layouts, 960 Grid System
  • jQuery fueled template with 100% gracefully degrading code (for older browsers or javascript disabled case)
  • Code optimized for getting the top results in the Search Engines
  • Sliced PSD files are included
  • Documentation included

Core features of the Landing Page:

  • 2 Different layouts for Video or Image Lightbox
  • 5 Color Variants : Blue, Green, Red, Purple and Brown
  • Product Image Screenshosts
  • Super Call To Action Areas
  • Social Icons Area

Need Support? Get In Touch

For support on any of my themes, please post your questions or suggestions in item’s discussion board.

I usually get back within 24 hours (on working days Mon. – Fri.), and if bad weather outside maybe in weekends aswell. Direct email for emmergency only, or free gifts and whatnot please.

Download Lista Landing Page (Corporate)

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