Launching Soon is an under construction or coming soon page which includes a desktop browser version as well as a mobile browser version.
Use this theme as a temporary “Under Construction” page for your site.
It may be especially useful for those who own a .mobi domain and have yet to develop a site for it OR for those who have a mobile focused site in the works and require an under construction and e-mail notification page.
Launching Soon Theme Features:
- HTML 5 + CSS3
- Fluid (%) OR Fixed (px) Based Layout – your choice!
- CUFON Font Replacement
- Fully Functional AJAX E -mail Subscription Form – no need for MySql Database!
- Multiple Mobile Browser Detection Scripts to Choose From
- Complete PSD ’s included
- Animated Progress Bar
- Included is a desktop version and a mobile browser version
NOTE : Please disregard any irregularities in the theme preview such as extra spacing and some characters that may look out of whack. This is merely an issue caused by the encryption software that i’ve used to try to prevent the ripping of the theme. I guarantee you that the theme itself looks and validates 100% or your money back