Hands-on With The Lumus See-Through Wearable Display: Real 3D, Real Augmented Reality

I’m rarely excited by technology anymore but Lumus pressed my willies button and didn’t let go. Although it’s a bit hard to explain, the technology is simple: an LCOS projector shoots an image through a glass lens and into specially polished areas of the glass. This area “projects” a simulation of a 60-inch color screen in HD in front of your face and the lenses are see-through so you can look away into the distance or up close at objects in front of you. Because the system is stereo-optical you can transmit two of the same image to both lenses or – and this is where it gets crazy – you can transmit two separate images. That’s right – 3D images in front of your face, anywhere you look and the images are unobtrusive.

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