When Vine started shipping for Android, there was one, big, near-universal complaint amongst its users: it didn’t support front-facing cameras. While the existing iOS port had been supporting front cameras for months, Android users looking to take Vine-selfies (Velfies?) were stuck contorting their wrists like some sort of chump. Users were hopeful it’d come baked into the update that shipped last weekend — no such luck.
In an update pushed to the Google Play store just a few minutes ago, Vine for Android finally learned how to play friendly with that front lens.
Meanwhile, this update also brings a few other new tricks: there’s a new upload manager for the Vine’s you’ve yet to finalize, a few tweaks to the settings screen, and an overall speed improvement — most importantly, the camera is said to load notably faster, now.
Here are the complete patch notes:
• Front-facing camera
• New upload manager for unsubmitted posts
• Improvements to settings
• Improvements to camera loading time and support for more devices
• Speed improvements overall
• Bug fixes and UI improvements
This update comes just 5 days after the last — a remarkably quick turnaround, from build-to-build. Say what you will about Instagram pickin’ up video support, but a little competition really does help kick things into gear.
You can find the latest version of Vine on the Google Play store here.