Hack Team’s Voice-Guided Learn To Drive App Makes Learning With Mom & Dad Less Domestically Disruptive


Jared Zoneraich and Nick Joseph are two high school students who’ve spent the night here at the Disrupt NY 2013 Hackathon coding an in-car app for learner drivers using GM’s API. The pair got a great reception on stage during their  presentation for Learn to Drive – not least for the in-car dashboard app’s killer feature: a voice warning that booms out when a learner is going too fast — which saves having a blow-out argument with mom/dad over who is right about the speed. Update: Learn To Drive has just been announced as runner up in the Disrupt NY 2013 Hackathon competition.

The basic idea is to provide voice guidance to help learner drivers when they are practising with a driver other than their instructor, providing easy to follow voice instructions for a variety of driving manoeuvres including parallel parking and perpendicular parking. 

The app also keeps a count of how many times the learner has performed each of the manoeuvres, based on how many times they have requested voice guidance, and tracks other data — such as how many hours and miles of driving the learner has clocked up, and at what time of day. Using this data, the app also indicates how much more practice they need as they work towards taking their test by displaying a progress bar plus percentage to show how close they are to hitting the minimum required amount of hours.

During a back stage interview the pair told TechCrunch they hope to submit Learn To Drive to GM’s app store once they’ve added a few finishing touches — such as the ability to pull driver data off to Microsoft SkyDrive. Learn To Drive is actually a four-strong team: the two other members are Kenny Song and Jemma Issroff.

Back stage interview follows below:

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