Want To See Pictures Of Twitter’s Office Visitors? Meet @Twisitor


There are Twitter accounts for almost everything these days. Some people I know have accounts set up for their pets, then there are toasters, beds, drones and so on. The company itself has a fun account called @Twisitor, which was a project built during one of Twitter’s quarterly hackweeks.

There’s a camera in the lobby of Twitter’s new San Francisco office and it will snap a photo of anyone who stands in front of it. Once it does that, guess what’s next? You guessed it, a tweet goes out from the Twisitor account. It’s a great representation of the culture at Twitter, where its employees eat its own dogfood, or in this case…birdfood. Its first tweet was from January 11th, so it’s still relatively new.

I’ve been to quite a few tech startup offices and each has its own bit of style and flair. When you go to Facebook, there’s always a video of someone on the team talking about the company, at Google there’s usually some comfy couches to sit on with free WiFi to use but Twitter takes the cake with Twisitor.

Here are a few sample tweets from those who have visited the flock:

Hey, it's @sillimel at @Twoffice! http://t.co/jsE4wD8Q

Twisitor (@twisitor) January 11, 2013

Thanks @Twoffice for having @traynorbird here! http://t.co/gbGul97npV

Twisitor (@twisitor) March 21, 2013

There’s even an account that follows Twisitor, called TwisitorCameo, which points out all of the people that were unnamed in the background of photos. It’s interesting to see internal culture showcased publicly on the service that these employees work really hard on building.

Who is that? Is that @shinypb? RT @twisitor: Hey, it's me at the @Twoffice! http://t.co/OTDkmMpEdK

Twisitor Cameo (@TwisitorCameo) March 21, 2013

The hacked project was built by Mo Kudeki, an International Engineer at Twitter, along with @nick, @wyz, @marcelduran and a few other folks. The neat part about hackweek, I’m told, is that teams are comprised of employees all over the company. I’ve been hot on Twisitor’s tracks for some time, but this tweet from her filled in some color as to where the camera is in the lobby, nestled inside of a birdhouse, where people stand to get their picture taken:

I love looking at @twisitor tweets and photos to see who's been using our #hackweek project. http://t.co/Tf5sqJaCiq

ʍ๏ ƙµȡƹƙɨ (@kudeki) March 23, 2013

If you’d like to see tweets from other parts of Twitter’s office, you can follow Twoffice and Lawrence T. Bird.

Twish you were here! Love, @sparsuperstar http://t.co/8txpuV2je4

Twisitor (@twisitor) March 20, 2013

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