Labor Day Ready: White House Releases Beer Recipe Thanks To Direct Democracy


Ready your grocery list for Labor Day: the White House has released the recipe for its official home brew, The White House Honey Ale. In a pun-tastic blog, Assistant Chef, Sam Kass, buckled to overwhelming demand from the White House online petition platform, We The People, “with public excitement about White House beer fermenting such a buzz, we decided we better hop right to it.”

We The People was designed by Obama’s digital team to unearth latent issues that escaped the eye of traditional media. Apparently, it worked, because news of the recipe’s release now sits atop Google News. (Of course, if We The People was truly ruled by an online audience, the recipe would likely have been for pot brownies).

The home brewing experiment was apparently inspired by the Commander-in-Chief himself, who bought a home brewing kit for the White House kitchen.

To be honest, we were surprised that the beer turned out so well since none of us had brewed beer before. As far as we know the White House Honey Brown Ale is the first alcohol brewed or distilled on the White House grounds. George Washington brewed beer and distilled whiskey at Mount Vernon and Thomas Jefferson made wine but there’s no evidence that any beer has been brewed in the White House. (Although we do know there was some drinking during prohibition…)

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