iPhone 4S Jailbreak


The jailbreak for the A5 processor based iPhone and iPad is just around the corner. Chronic dev team member @DHowett has posted a video that shows an iPhone 4S running jailbroken and unthethered. In the video you can see Cydia running and the phone being reset without the need to connect it to a computer.

Pod2g, @planetbeing, @MuscleNerd and @p0sixninja, who are all working on the hack have confirmed that the video is real. This those us iPhone 4S owners a bone that the jailbreak can’t be too far around the corner.

[Via The Verge]

tech.nocr.atiPhone 4S Jailbreak originally appeared on tech.nocr.at on 2012/01/17. Reproduction of content not allowed without consent.

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