Unlimited Music Service MOG Launches A Desktop App For The Mac

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MOG, the all-you-can-eat streaming music service that competes with the likes of Spotify and Rdio, has some good news for Mac users: it’s just launched a native application for OS X, which is now available on the Mac App Store. You can download it right here (the service is free for 14 days, then costs $10/month, which includes access to the web and mobile applications as well).

The native Mac application will look familiar to anyone who has used the service’s recently-revamped HTML5 web app , because it’s based on the same code. It isn’t loaded with native Mac widgets, but it works well — everything feels snappy, and in my testing songs began playing in less than a second.

And there is one nifty feature that the web app doesn’t have: AirPlay support, which means you can stream your MOG music to an Apple TV or any speakers hooked up to an Airport Express (MOG says this is the first of the streaming music apps to offer this feature). The app also supports those media keys on your keyboard, as well as Apple Remotes.

Existing MOG users will be pleased with the app, but this release is particularly important for users debating between Spotify, Rdio, MOG, and Rhapsody. Each of these services offers large music libraries — so they tend to compete on offering better app support and user experiences.  Spotify and Rdio already offer native apps; now MOG can check that box as well.

Spotify does has one advantage over MOG and Rdio for the time being: it has a limited free version, though it’s invitation-only in the US.

Launch Date:
January 6, 2005

MOG Inc. is a next-generation music media company founded in June 2005 by David Hyman, former CEO for Gracenote. MOG has one simple goal: to perfect your music-listening experience.


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