PS3 & 360 In One Unit


We have featured a multiple gaming console hack before, but I haven’t seen one that does it with modern day consoles.

Reddit reader Timofiend found a slick way of cramming his Xbox 360 and PS3 into a single PC case to minimize the footprint. This isn’t as pretty as some of Ben Heck’s mods, but if you are looking to consolidate space this is a cheap and easy way to go about it.


Currently both machines can run simultaneously. I don’t think that would wear well on the hardware without some sort of liquid cooling. Both os those units running at once generates a lot of heat, a RROD just waiting to happen.

Maybe Ben Heck could take a shot at making a custom case for it or how about cramming a Nintendo Wii in as well. Could make one awesome gift for a gamer.

tech.nocr.atPS3 & 360 In One Unit originally appeared on on 2011/09/08. Reproduction of content not allowed without consent.

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