Spotify Will Launch In The US Tomorrow Morning (It’s About Time)

After tons of teasing, speculation and harsh ribbing on our part, it looks like beloved digital music service Spotify will be available invite-only tomorrow morning in the US.

The pricing is now set at $4.99 a month on the web and $9.99 a month on mobile in addition to an ad supported free plan which includes a limited amount of songs. Peter Kafka is reporting that the free plan will limit users to 20 hours a month.

After so much backtracking, how are we 100% sure that tomorrow’s the day? The following email from the Spotify PR people:

———- Forwarded message ———-

From: Angie Newman

Date: Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 6:44 PM

Subject: Spotify Will Launch in the U.S. Tomorrow

To: Angie Newman

Cc: Alison Bonny

New York, July 13, 2011 – Spotfy [sic] the award-winning digital music service loved by millions of Europeans, will become available tomorrow morning in the United States by invitation and subscription. Spotify is a new way to listen to and manage your music, discover new tracks and share songs and playlists with friends – music whenever you want it, wherever you are.

Be one of the first people in the U.S. to experience Spotify by signing up at

Spotify will announce more details at 8:00 AM EST.


Well there you have it. Stay tuned!

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