AOL Makes Fun Of Yahoo. And It’s Actually Hilarious.

This is amazing. Earlier today Yahoo launched Android music app that happened to have the exact same name as the Android music app launched by AOL four months ago, “Play.”

Yes, Yahoo and AOL now both have music apps with the same name.  And instead of laughing it off internally, AOL responded to the launch with this “Yapoo!” parody video. In a rare moment of badassery AOL is basically calling out the Yahoo Mobile Team for not being very creative.

Yeah, I know, “pot calling the kettle black” you say … But the most surprising part about this video is that it will make you laugh genuinely at its spot on depiction of copy/paste innovation, multiple times.

My favorite “we’re phoning it in” line: “What we need to do is find an app that we like and just reskin it, just put some purple in it. Boom.”

Side note: I’m beginning to think that AOL Senior Director of Mobile Projects Sol Lipman, who made this video and also came up with the ‘Editions’ tagline (“The app for when you crap”), is the single funniest person in our parent company.

Information provided by CrunchBase

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