MotherKnows Lets Parents View Their Children’s Medical Records Anytime, Anywhere

Parents worry about their kids. It’s what they do. Sometimes with reason, sometimes not. But now, thanks to MotherKnows, parents will be able to verify whether there is medical justification for their worrying. The California-based startup has created a full-service platform, available on mobile and the Web, that is designed specifically to allow parents to have 24-hour access their children’s health records. The platform offers a full set of health data, from immunizations and allergies to doctor visits and growth charts, all of which can be accessed directly by doctors and caregivers once authorized by the parental units.

The information shown in each record is collected directly from medical providers after each visit, and is the same as that on file in the doctor’s physical records, according to MotherKnows Co-founder Hesky Kutscher. All of the information is sent directly to parents first, before being uploaded, to ensure the accuracy of the data. And, perhaps most importantly when it comes to sensitive information like Personal Health Records (PHRs), the child’s personal health data is encrypted and protected, and is never shared with third parties. Parents can also control who has access to their children’s PHRs, giving them full control over the data.

“There’s so much information that can be accessed ‘easily and instantly’ these days”, Hesky said. “But medical information hasn’t been among that. So, through MotherKnows, we hope to give parents the ability to pull up their child’s entire medical history whenever they want, which is sure to make for added efficiency when it comes to doctor’s visits, emergency care, insurance conversations – and yes, those dreaded registrations.”

The team also said that it has worked with a medical advisory panel to ensure that all of the moving parts inherent to the service, including data, is medically approved. The co-founders also ensured the audience gathered at Disrupt that the site’s security implementation is consistent with the guidelines of the Federal HIPAA and HITECH acts.

While there are 25 million moms in the U.S., and MotherKnows will obviously be attacking the mom market first, Hesky said that they will soon be expanding to include seniors, and more. Maybe even you …

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