Keen On… John Borthwick: Why Social Isn’t in Google’s DNA (TCTV)

With billions of dollars flowing into today’s social economy, betaworks CEO John Borthwick sees the social economy radically changing not only media, but all 21st century industries. It’s 1998 all over again, he told me when we met last week in New York City – thus arguing that today’s social boom still has at least a couple of years of innovation left in it.

But while Borthwick – whose betaworks portfolio includes, TweetDeck, SocialFlow and Chartbeat – is bullish about the future of social media, he isn’t quite as bullish about Google. Suggesting that social isn’t in Google’s DNA, Borthwick, who used to run technology strategy at Time Warner, believes that the web now not only needs social search but that today’s social media companies – Twitter, Facebook et al – are much more strategically positioned to build a social search engine than Google.

The first half of this interview can be found here.

Borthwick on why 2011 is like 1998

Borthwick on monetization, curation, and real innovation

Borthwick on why social isn’t in Google’s DNA

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