The Rise And Fall Of Yahoo: The Infographic

It’s no secret that Yahoo is in a troubled place. And has been for awhile. We just learned of the news that Yahoo is looking to sell bookmarking service Delicious and “sunsetting” a number of other web services. Preceding this debacle was a massive round of layoffs that affected over 500 employees. Many have tried to pinpoint where Yahoo went wrong (i.e. product strategy, leadership etc.), but this infographic, titled “The Rise And Fall Of Yahoo,” gives you a play by play of the company’s history, acquisitions, highs, lows and more.

Produced by Focus, the timeline ends at February 2010. Of course, Yahoo’s downward spiral continued past this point, culminating in December’s events. And the infographic, which begins the timeline in 1994, does miss some of the more intricate details in Yahoo’s history. But it does capture the fact that there have been more failures in the past few years than successes for Yahoo.

With set to Yahoo report earnings next week, all eyes will be on the company as it attempts to regroup and possibly find a way to dig itself out of this mess.

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Information provided by CrunchBase

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