Smart Skis That Data Crunch Your Every Move

Photograph by Nick Veasey

Like most ski instructors, Wagner Custom Skis are both strikingly attractive and performance- oriented. But instead of giving you gentle words of encouragement like Janica would, Wagner loans you a pair of test skis outfitted with two data-crunching sensors called vLinks (pictured), which analyze every nuance of your form—from speed and turn radius to slippage and imbalances. The vLinks are essentially souped-up optical mouses that grab data 6,500 times per second to track movement spatially along X, Y, and Z axes and rotationally, capturing pitch, roll, and yaw. After your day on the slopes, Wagner runs the numbers through proprietary software and combines them with the results of an in-depth questionnaire to craft truly custom equipment. The skis’ materials, stiffness, and shape will match your strengths and compensate for your weaknesses. And unlike Janica, you get to take them home.

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