Backgrounder, a jailbroken app that enables multitasking on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, has been updated to version svn.r553-1. Backgrounder description and complete list of new features in Backgrounder svn.r553-1 after the jump…

Backgrounder allows for total control of backgrounding on an iPhone/iOS-based device. With Backgrounder, *you* decide when an app should keep running, and when it should quit. Backgrounder provides true backgrounding; minimized apps can be made to continue to run as if they were still the foreground app.
New in Backgrounder svn.r553-1
NEW: Option to toggle forcing of fast app switching (iOS 4.0+ only).
- This option is now OFF by default, as forced fast app switching can cause issues for some apps.
- Note that this functionality was ON by default in the previous Backgrounder release (r521).
NEW: Option to enable/disable fast app switching altogether (iOS 4.0+ only).
- If disabled, voip/audio/gps/task-continuation apps will still background, while apps that just take up memory will quit (and thus free up memory).
- This option is especially useful for users of older devices, such as iPhone 3G.
MOD: Cleaned up preferences dialog.
MOD: The status bar icon is now shown for the “Fall Back to Native” case as well. (iOS 4.0+ only)
MOD: Added support for iOS 4.0.2.
FIX: When backgrounding was off or disabled, some apps failed to quit or would quit when reopened.
You can download Backgrounder from Cydia for Free.

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