php tags in success messages [duplicate]

I’ve designed a website with a forum with users, different categories and posts!For that, I already established a mysql database via localhost showing users, categories and posts tables!
The categorie_id of the posts table is interwoven with the categorie title in the categories table as foreign key!

How could I now show the category title from categories table in success message of added posts on my website manage posts table (see picture below)?

I want it to show sthg like this in the success message: “New Music (=category title) post was successfully added!”

I tried it like this, but it didn’t show the category title in the success message (please, take a closer look into the row with $_SESSION:[‘add-post-success’] = ….):

Manage Posts Table Screenshot

categories database table
posts db table

 // insert post into database
        $query = "INSERT INTO posts (title, body, thumbnail, category_id, author_id, is_featured) VALUES ('$title', '$body', '$thumbnail_name', $category_id, $author_id, $is_featured)";
        $result = mysqli_query($connection, $query);

        if(!mysqli_errno($connection)) {
            $_SESSION['add-post-success'] = "New <php= {$category['title']} ?> post added successfully";
            header('location: ' . ROOT_URL . 'admin/');