What could create unix sockets in PHP 8.2 as a side-effect?

In two of our many PHP pods (we’re running under Kubernetes) we have a problem with a Unix socket leak. Our PHP CLI process seems to be opening and not closing many unix sockets, until in an unrelated location PHP crashes with PHP Warning: stream_select(): You MUST recompile PHP with a larger value of FD_SETSIZE.

Other pods that we have also have some UNIX sockets open, but in small numbers so it’s not a problem.

The perplexing thing is that we’re not using UNIX sockets for anything. All communication with other processes is purely through TCP/IP. All the sockets are:

  • In ESTABLISHED state
  • ss -x says that there have been no data either sent or received on these sockets
  • They do not have a file in the filesystem
  • netstat says that they all have a RefCount of 3, if it means anything
  • ss -xp also shows, that both ends of each socket are held by the same (one and only) PHP process.

So… for some reason the PHP program is creating UNIX sockets, holding them open, holding on to both ends of that socket (two different file descriptors), and not letting them go.

In addition, there are no calls to stream_socket_pair or socket_create_pair in the code.

What I gather from this is that these sockets are created as a side-effect of some other PHP built-in function that I’m using. CURL is the primary suspect here, but it’s also used plenty in other pods without issues. In fact I can’t think of anything that these two pods are doing which others aren’t.

What built-in PHP functions (including functions in extensions that come bundled by default with PHP) could result in an unintentional creation of a UNIX socket pair?


xx -xp looks like:

# ss -xp
Netid               State               Recv-Q               Send-Q                             Local Address:Port                                  Peer Address:Port                   Process
u_str               ESTAB               0                    0                                              * 481304571                                        * 481304572               users:(("php",pid=7,fd=494))
u_str               ESTAB               0                    0                                              * 480934363                                        * 480934362               users:(("php",pid=7,fd=289))
u_str               ESTAB               0                    0                                              * 480899260                                        * 480899259               users:(("php",pid=7,fd=255))
u_str               ESTAB               0                    0                                              * 480853228                                        * 480853229               users:(("php",pid=7,fd=207))
u_str               ESTAB               0                    0                                              * 478659551                                        * 478659550               users:(("php",pid=7,fd=82))
u_str               ESTAB               0                    0                                              * 481263776                                        * 481263775               users:(("php",pid=7,fd=484))
u_str               ESTAB               0                    0                                              * 481014545                                        * 481014546               users:(("php",pid=7,fd=339))
u_str               ESTAB               0                    0                                              * 480847844                                        * 480847845               users:(("php",pid=7,fd=221))
u_str               ESTAB               0                    0                                              * 479446282                                        * 479446283               users:(("php",pid=7,fd=185))
u_str               ESTAB               0                    0                                              * 479430966                                        * 479430965               users:(("php",pid=7,fd=162))
u_str               ESTAB               0                    0                                              * 481391710                                        * 481391711               users:(("php",pid=7,fd=515))
u_str               ESTAB               0                    0                                              * 481013994                                        * 481013995               users:(("php",pid=7,fd=352))
u_str               ESTAB               0                    0                                              * 480884372                                        * 480884373               users:(("php",pid=7,fd=233))
.... many, may more lines ...