Reload an included part in a PHP index page [closed]

I have an index.php page which loads different includes based on parameters. Only one of the includes shall have an automated updating part to see new info.

In the head of the index page I have

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js">

to load the jquery lib.

In the inc-part that keeps the news I have

echo '<script>
var $incomingNews = $("#incomingNews");
setInterval(function () {
    $incomingNews.load("index.php #incomingNews");
}, 60000); 

The included page has the info-block within a div:

 echo '<div id="incomingNews">';
 <!-- some code-->
 echo '</div>;

I was hoping that the age would reload the parts inside the div every minute … obviously something is wrong in the code. Any hints?